This "tea" is made from compost, fish emulsion, kelp, and a ton of bacteria. Yum.... It is used to provide an instant hit of organic nutrients, similar to regular compost, but available to the plant right now rather than over time. Synthetic fertilizer provides the instant availability, but is "not so nice" to the soil. So, after watching how-to vids on compost tea at , I decided to give it a try.
First, put finished compost into a fabric bag. ($5 at Ace)
Then fill a 5-gallon bucket ($2 at Home Depot) with water and submerge the compost.
Next, add kelp chunk (~$4 a bag at health food stores)...
and teaspoon fish emulsion. ($7 at Home Depot)
Use an aquarium pump ($10 at Petsmart) to pump air through tubing ($2) into the bottom of the bucket. This will provide oxygen for beneficial bacteria.
Let it sit for 24 to 48 hours, then it is ready to go into a sprayer.
This bucket made enough "tea" to fill the sprayer 1.5 times. I sprayed most of the yard. Lesson learned: don't spray this on a windy day. Also learned: don't have mouth open when spraying on said windy day.
I left some areas unsprayed, kinda as a control to see how (if) the stuff works.
I'll post results as I see them.
This tea sounds disgusting but... I'm always up to try new things even if they're gross just as long as the benifits out way the quick torture.